Enterprise Architecture Services
Solution Roadmap Development

About this service
A Solution Roadmap is how an organisation plans to reach its Target State and by clearly defining costs, benefits, dependencies, resourcing, candidate solutions and others, to support making an investment case. It consists of a graphical timeline of the projects that are required to achieve the Target State. The sequencing is based on constraints like budget, maturity, and project interdependencies.
In a clear point of difference for Fragile to Agile this roadmap is not just a list of potential initiatives but rather provides a blueprint for the execution of future projects and a set of prioritised and optimised “shovel-ready” projects with clear capability scope, resources required, indicative costs, benefits, dependencies etc to support making an investment case to move to full Business Case and Conceptual Design. Importantly, for new solutions required a minimum of three potential solutions that could meet your needs will be identified and assessed with high-level comparison of these options.
Why is it important?
Put simply there is little point in having a target state if there are no plans to achieve it.
Even though it will change overtime, after all no plan survives contact with the enemy, it is far better to understand how to achieve the target state and adjust it periodically (at least annually) to reflect changing circumstances that have no idea how the target sate can be achieved.
How we work with you
This will require a detailed understanding of the start (Current State) and end (Target State) points; with these developing the Solution Roadmap is essentially a program planning exercise. The Solution Roadmap will first be developed in isolation to understand the minimum cost to execute it without considering other business priorities and constraints. An assessment of immediate business priorities will then be undertaken to understand the relative priority of the various components of the Target State and the value of delivering each of them early. A Solution Roadmap will then be developed that balances the following considerations:
- Maximises early business wins to maintain momentum and gain buy in and ownership;
- Caters for tactical and short-term strategic business priorities;
- Minimises throw away work (unless there are clear quick wins with high and rapid ROI) and the number of business workarounds required during the transition;
- Minimises the time to transition to the Target State without undue risk;
- Balances the number of phases and the organisation’s ability to absorb change;
- Ensures continuous progress and minimise gaps between release;
- Balances spend over the execution horizon as far as possible.
This starting point roadmap will then be workshopped with key stakeholders for review and augmentation to produce the draft roadmap. A workshop will then be held with the executive to gain final feedback and update accordingly. The roadmap will then undergo a final review and update cycle.
Enterprise Architecture Service Stream
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