Enterprise Architecture Services
Turning Strategy Into Execution
Enterprise Architecture is town-planning for your business and ICT systems. It helps you to deliver business strategy with confidence whilst minimising cost and risk and maximising benefits and agility.
Enterprise Architecture Services
Enterprise Business Intent
What good looks like
Tailored to recognise your starting point and any prior work, this service elucidates for the whole organisation a set of measurable outcomes (including issues to be rectified and catering for tactical imperatives) that define what good looks like for your organisation.
This will maximise the value you obtain from investment in change by enabling you to assure that it is business needs driven, you are doing the right things, in the right order, and doing those things right.

Enterprise Architecture Services
Strategic Operating Model Determination
Where to standardise
An organisation’s Strategic Operating Model defines the desired level of process standardisation and process integration across business units.
This service determines the appropriate Strategic Operating Model for your organisation, and consequent desired level of capability standardisation. This is crucial to achieving a high-level of agility, minimising cost and risk and maximising benefits.

Enterprise Architecture Services
Business Capability Model Development
“A model of what your business does”
This service develops with you a Business Capability Model for your organisation. A Business Capability Model (BCM) describes what the business does as opposed to how (business process models) or who does it (organisational models).
As what an organisation does changes much less frequently than how or who does it, a BCM is inherently more stable and therefore a sound base on which to map an organisation’s current and future business and technology systems.

Enterprise Architecture Services
Current State Solutions Assessment
Where are you now?
This service will first assess the level of redundant overlap in your solutions and any key gaps in those solutions. it will then assess, either qualitatively or quantitatively per your choice, how well these solutions support your business today and their ability to support achieving your desired Business Strategy/Outcomes.

Enterprise Architecture Services
Target State Determination
Where do you need to be?
This service defines the “beacon on the hill” for your business and technology systems. It defines the Target State Solutions Architecture: the solutions required to achieve your business strategy/intent (comprising of existing solutions to be retained as is; existing solutions to be augmented and new solutions required) and the capability scope of those solutions.
It will also define the Target State Architecture: how those solutions must be implemented to work together effectively and efficiently and most importantly be designed for change so that you are not just delivering tomorrows legacy.

Enterprise Architecture Services
Solution Roadmap Development
How do you get to where you need to be?
This service develops a roadmap to the Target State, essentially a set of related initiatives/projects, to affect the required transition to the Target State. It contains enough detail to support budget planning for business case development for each project, making these projects “shovel-ready’ rather than just an ideas list.
This will also provide a reasonably accurate total cost and timeline for the either transformation suitable for obtaining in-principal approval to proceed, noting each individual project will undergo its own Business Case and funding approval process.

Enterprise Architecture Services
Complete Solution Roadmap
Where are you, where do you need to be and how do you get there?
This service bundles together all services, tailored to your needs and leveraging prior work, required to develop a business strategy/intent driven roadmap for your business and technology systems.

Enterprise Architecture Services
Enterprise Architecture Health Check
Where is your Enterprise Architecture practice today relative to where it needs to be?
This service assesses the current state of your organisation’s enterprise architecture practice, providing a clear snapshot of the status of your organisation’s enterprise architecture capability, and how that capability is being delivered to the organisation.
It comprises three critical aspects: conducting a SWOT Analysis, an Architecture Maturity Assessment, and an Architecture Artefacts Assessment.

Enterprise Architecture Services
Domain Reference Architecture Development
What good looks like for a design domain
For each domain of design, e.g., security, data (see Integrated Architecture Framework for full list) this service defines “what good looks like” in this domain for your organisation. It includes a reference architecture (exemplar of what good looks like for the domain), defines common terms for that domain, and defines a set of principles (legislation) for that domain.
This service can be done for one or more domains of design at a time or prioritised for those most important to your organisation, noting that ideally eventually all domains of design are covered.

Enterprise Architecture Services
Architecture Governance Establishment
Ensuring you are doing things right
This service establishes two of the three key components for successful, effective, efficient, and right-sized architecture governance for your organisation: the bodies (police force and courts) and processes (review, exception, and vitality).
Together with the principles (legislation) from the Domain Reference Architecture Development service these ensure you are “doing things right” and moving towards your business intent driven target state and, critically, reduce Total Cost of Ownership and risk and maximise agility and benefits.
Governance done right enables you to do things faster, safely!

Enterprise Architecture Services
Architecture Governance Participation
Assistance in ensuring you are doing things right
One common feature of architecture governance bodies is to have an independent external member to provide external input, if only for its initial period of operation until the organisation is self-sufficient.
Fragile to Agile can provide this external board membership and optionally administration services (e.g., minutes and maintenance of key registers) if required.

Enterprise Architecture Services
EA Roadmap Development
How we achieve desired level of Enterprise Architecture maturity and self-sufficiency
A plan, including costs and benefits, for establishing a right-sized Enterprise Architecture capability for your organisation.
This service delivers a roadmap to establish Enterprise Architecture at your organisation. This includes all steps required to make the investment case, develop (or uplift) and embed an Enterprise Architecture capability into your organisation and ensure that it is “living and breathing” and not a once-off-exercise.

Enterprise Architecture Services
EA Practice Establishment
Establishing a thriving Enterprise Architecture capability
This service is a bundle of our other services, tailored to your organisation’s needs, to establish an effective and efficient Enterprise Architecture practice.
This service bundle can be executed either to establish/uplift an internal EA practice or to establish the necessary artefacts and processes such that your organisation can avail of our “Architecture as a service” offering if you wish to outsource this capability.

Enterprise Architecture Services
Enterprise Requirements Definition
Defining common requirements once only
There are common requirements that span all technology systems at an organisation so why develop those multiple times. These are in two classes: Common Functional requirements, e.g. Help, Search, Privacy) and common non-functional requirements (e.g. Reliability; Availability; Security; Architectural).
This service defines these requirements once so they can be reused for all technology procurements.

Enterprise Architecture Services
Domain Roadmap Development
How to uplift your maturity in a design domain
For each domain of design, e.g., Security, Data, Infrastructure (see Integrated Architecture Framework for full list) this service defines a roadmap to establish or uplift that domain of design at your organisation.
This includes all steps required to make the investment case, develop (or uplift) and embed that capability into your organisation and ensure that it is “living and breathing” and not a once-off-exercise.