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Business Capability Model Development - Fragile to Agile

Enterprise Architecture Services

Business Capability Model Development

Business Capability Modelling

About this service

A capability in its simplest definition is the ability to do something and is composed of the people, processes, data, and technology required to do so. They are the building blocks of an organisation and so a Business Capability Model is a model of all the capabilities an organisation requires to deliver its products and/or services.

A Business Capability Model is a core business design tool that is used to represent a high-level view of what an organisation does. It is a key strategic decision-making tool that allows organisations to clearly see what capabilities it requires to reach its objectives and provides a common basis for understanding the current state of an organisations business and technology systems and planning and designing their future.

A BCM can be expressed at 4 different, but critically consistent, levels of detail depending on its desired use: Communication; Planning; General Design and Process / Service Design levels.   

For more detail on what a Business Capability Model is, see our video:

What is a Business Capability Model?

Why is it important?

A Business Capability Model is the key design tool for an organisation’s business and technology systems. It is a critical to understanding the current state of these systems; determining the correct Target State for them and subsequent roadmap to transition to that Target State.

Through Heat-maps, traffic-light colouring of capabilities, it answers 100s of key planning and design questions for these systems, e.g.: Which capabilities are most important to the strategy? Where do we spend our money today? Where are our key technology issues today? What is the right cope for our technology solutions? Where will the aging workforce problem hit us first? Where would we get the biggest bang for our money through process automation? What is the right granularity for our services? Which capabilities master what data?     

A BCM is critical to Enterprise Architecture generally and the Fragile to Agile methodology specifically as it enables you to break-down complex problems to more manageable ones, essentially enabling you “to eat the elephant one bite at a time”. It also enables you to map changes overtime on a relatively stable model of the organisation. For more detail see our video on the importance of a Business Capability Model:

Why do you need a Business Capability Model?

How we work with you

Firstly, we will create a “straw-person” Business Capability Model based on the considerable BCM IP Fragile to Agile possesses from prior work with hundreds of organisations across all industry segments (noting that many capabilities are common across industry segments). We will then augment this based on existing organisational documentation and interviews with key stakeholders. This straw-person model will then be validated and augmented via a workshop with senior executives. This will produce the communication and planning level of the BCM.

This process will then be iterated at lower levels of the organisation to elaborate the BCM to produce the design level and where applicable the process & service design level.

Enterprise Architecture Service Stream

This service is part of a broader set of services we offer for a complete digital transformation. We offer the ability to select as little or as much as you need to get your organisation to its full potential. Not sure what's right for you? No problem, get in touch and we can discuss what will best suit your needs.


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