Client Synopsis
OranaOrganisation Overview
Orana was formed in 1950 by a small group of progressive and visionary parents who were seeking educational and training opportunities for their children with intellectual disabilities who previously had been denied access to such opportunities. Before 1950 the only specialised service for people with intellectual disabilities in SA was Minda Incorporated, which had been established in 1898 to provide accommodation and care for children. There were no educational, training or vocational services for children and young people with more severe levels of intellectual disabilities, and consequently the children were kept at home in the care of their parents.
At a public meeting held in Adelaide on August 10, 1950 and attended by more than 80 parents, the Mentally Retarded Children’s Society, now Orana, was formed. Orana provides people with disability the opportunity to live and work within their local community, fulfil their dreams and become valued and productive community members. Its vision is to be acclaimed for excellence in services to people with disability and mission is to be a viable organisation providing greater choice through a range of services to enable people with disability to live a lifestyle of their choice.

Fragile to Agile Engagement
We were initially approached by the Chair of the Board, Bill Filmer in the context of preparing Orana for the material changes they were likely to be required to support the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) rollout. To achieve this, we followed our standard approach to roadmap development for SME scaled organisations: the determination of desired outcomes (largely an assessment of the impact of NDIS in this case); business capability model development and target state solution architecture determination. This identified several business capabilities where material business change was required and through that the ICT solutions that would consequently also need material change to meet the needs of the NDIS rollout and to support Orana’s broader business strategy. These changes were then “bundled” into projects/releases and the identified projects executed.