Client Synopsis
Legal Profession Conduct Commission (LPCC)Organisation Overview
The Legal Profession Conduct Commissioner is an independent statutory agency of the Crown. The Commissioner helps to regulate the standards of South Australia’s legal profession by dealing fairly and efficiently with complaints about lawyers, and investigating any suspected misconduct by lawyers. Responsible for overseeing the conduct of all lawyers in South Australia (from both the private and public sectors), as well as interstate lawyers who practice in South Australia, the Commissioner’s office receives complaints about lawyers, assists where possible in resolving those complaints, investigates allegations of misconduct, and determines appropriate disciplinary action when required.
The job of the Commissioner and his office includes:
- Answering general enquiries about a lawyer’s conduct
- Receiving complaints about misconduct or overcharging
- Providing conciliation services
- Investigating complaints
- Taking disciplinary proceedings, action and where appropriate, publishing the details of disciplined lawyers on the Register of Disciplinary Action.

Fragile to Agile Engagement
We were initially engaged by the LPCC CEO, broadly to assist LPCC to develop a business needs driven transformation program as much of the historic organisation was paper-based. This followed our standard approach to roadmap development for SME scaled organisations: the determination of desired outcomes; business capability model development and target state solution architecture determination. Emerging from this exercise was a clear need to procure a Case Management solution to address LPCC’s core business needs.
The next stage of the engagement was then to further elaborate the requirements for the Case Management and develop and RFP to approach the market for this solution. We then assisted LPCC is managing this approach to market and selecting the solution to be implemented.