Client Synopsis
ElectraNetOrganisation Overview
ElectraNet is the principal Transmission Network Service Provider (TNSP) and System Control Centre Operator in South Australia, and operates in the National Electricity Market. It is an asset management, project management and contract management business and competitively sources its construction and asset maintenance requirements, ensuring best-practice outcomes for the market, business and our customers.
Its customers include power generators, the state’s electricity distributor SA Power Networks (previously ETSA Utilities) and large industry.

Fragile to Agile Engagement
In 2010, Fragile to Agile was engaged by ElectraNet to assist in their adoption of SOA. This initial engagement assisted ElectraNet to select an ESB product and the design and execution of a proof of concept for the technology. The proof of concept, integration of MS Project Server and SAP Portfolio Manager to eliminate rekeying between ElectraNet’s two primary Project Management solutions, was subsequently successful.
Fragile to Agile was then reengaged in 2014 to develop a Business Capability Model (BCM) and an aligned common data/information model covering the entire organisation. Combined these were then used to identify and overlay ElectraNet’s existing systems and interfaces, manual and technical, and their data flows. This was then used to develop a full implementation plan for leveraging the ESB infrastructure that was incorporated into the revenue reset negotiations with the regulator to seek approval for funding, which was granted. In addition to this strategic roadmap for data and functional integration at ElectraNet the analysis of data flows, combined with data quality (and consequent business implications) assessments, was used to identify quick wins which were then executed by ElectraNet in advance of the strategic funding.