Client Synopsis
Sigma HealthcareOrganisation Overview
Sigma Healthcare is a leading Australian full line wholesale and distribution business to community and hospital pharmacy and the largest pharmacy network in Australia, with over 1,200 branded and
independent stores. Sigma also has an expanding presence in the hospital pharmacy services and
other healthcare service adjacencies.
From modest beginnings in Melbourne in 1912, the company has grown into a vibrant, nationwide
network servicing community and hospital pharmacy, proud of its role in helping to make pharmacy
services and medicines accessible for all Australians.
Sigma serves its communities by:
- Ensuring Australians have access to the full range of PBS medicines, via community
pharmacies and hospital pharmacies, regardless of where they live; - Collaborating with customers and suppliers to continuously pursue and implement value-
added, cost-effective wholesaling and distribution solutions; - Supporting pharmacists to be innovative, professional service providers in communities; to help
shape the future of delivering pharmacy care in Australia; - Providing sustainable returns for investors and continuously creating value in the business;
- Providing support for a range of community not-for-profit organisations aligned with its values.

Fragile to Agile Engagement
Fragile to Agile was selected in 2018 to develop, in multiple stages, a business needs driven target
state for Sigma’s technology. The process followed was the standard Fragile to Agile roadmap map
development process, including all the elements depicted on the following diagram:

The target state was well received and endorsed by the executive who then approved the roadmap development. The roadmap was successfully delivered but consideration of it is on hold currently after major market events impacted Sigma (loss of largest client followed by a takeover bid.
In addition to the roadmap development we also delivered the following in a separate engagement:
- Information/Data Strategy;
- Data Reference Architecture and principles;
- Integration Reference Architecture and principles;
- Common Data Model (and canonical data model production guide);
- Security Reference Architecture and Principles;
- Architecture governance bodies and processes.