2016 EA Symposium is being held November 21, 22 and 23 and hosted at Deakin University’s Melbourne CBD meeting rooms where we will explore ‘How Enterprise Architecture can create value in Higher Education’.
The EA in HE Symposium committee is looking forward to hearing from keynote speaker Glenn Smyth, Founder and CE of Fragile to Agile, who is a former Chief Architect at Adelaide Bank and the ATO (but don’t hold that against him, he’s actually a very loquacious Irishman and, with typical Irish wanderlust, has worked at more than 30 organisations on three continents, before finally settling for good in Australia).
Glenn’s session will be a combination of a presentation followed by an interactive discussion session on how to develop a solid Business Capability Model and how to use it to drive change within Universities. He will first present on the three different levels of a Business Capability Model: executive level, architecture level and service level. He will then describe each of these models, their differences, and how they can be used to assist in a number of design domains, business and technology, as well as to support higher level processes including Strategic Planning and Investment and Prioritisation. Then he will discuss the additional level of rigour required for Architecture and service level Business Capability Models if they are to be used to resolve key design decisions, e.g., determining the correct level of granularity for a service to actually deliver on the benefits promised by a Service Oriented Architecture.
This is an opportunity for EA Community members to quiz Glenn to raise any design issue they have in any domain of design and Glenn will suggest how a rigorously constructed Business Capability Model could assist in addressing the issue and lead a discussion with audience on this topic/issue.
We are also seeking input from the HE community, so if you have a topic you’d like to present on, please submit your proposal via http://ea-in-he-2016-symposium.deakin.edu.au/submit/
Also on offer will be sessions of Pecha Kucha (a 5 minute presentation consisting of 20 slides of 15 seconds each) as an alternative to a full session.
If you would like to discuss what you might have to offer before making your submission, please contact us on ea-in-he-2016@deakin.edu.au.