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Enterprise Architect - Fragile to Agile

How can Fragile to Agile help me as an Enterprise Architect?

Enterprise Architects must understand their organisation’s current technology capability from both a technical and business perspective; align its technology strategy with business intent; communicate effectively with both business executives and technologists, and prevent project teams from derailing the technology direction by taking design short cuts under tight deadlines and other organisational constraints.

Challenges for an Enterprise Architect

With our legacy systems reaching end of life and becoming more costly to retain, it’s difficult to plan and prioritise for their renewal.
Using the Business Capability Model, a current state assessment provides a unique visual representation of which applications and services enable an organisation’s business capabilities, their criticality and currency, where duplication or gaps exists and assesses how well they support capabilities from both a business and technical perspective. The assessment then informs the design of the target state solution architecture by defining which applications should be retained and those that need replacing.


Current State Assessment

Using the Business Capability Model, our collaborative approach to determine an organisation’s Target State Solution Architecture focusses on information gathering from all areas of the business and discussing their needs based on the business capabilities that must be supported. The target state includes the retention of existing and acquisition of new solutions and is supported by a well-defined strategic roadmap which is realistic, executable and structured within agreed funding parameters. The roadmap can cater for strategic business change, tactical imperatives, internal capability uplifts and the introduction of new technologies as they emerge.


Target State Determination, Targeted Strategic Roadmaps

We need to be able to align our IT strategy with the organisation’s business strategy in terms that will resonate with the business.
The level of rigour applied to the development of our Business Capability Models make them suitable for both business consulting and deep technical design. It provides a single tool that can seamlessly flow from business consultation to technology architecture design and maintain business engagement throughout the process. This not only provides a shared language and collaboration tool to facilitate these discussions but is fundamental to converting business strategy into execution.

With the application of heat maps and overlays which depict various organisational attributes, the Business Capability Model can be used as an important business design artefact for many different purposes, both tactical and strategic, business and technology.


Business Capability Model, Heat Maps & Overlays

We need to empower our Solution Architects to make the most appropriate design decisions that align with our EA artefacts.
Our Integrated Architecture Framework caters for both business and technical architectures across all domains of design. Strategic reference architectures provide guidance for technology investment decisions and how various domains of solution design will be achieved. They include high level reference architectures and a set of principles, or building codes, that guide design activity. Their adoption accelerates the design and delivery of IT solutions by their re-use and alignment to agreed business based outcomes. They also provide a basis for governance to ensure the consistency and applicability of technology to support ongoing business needs and priorities.


Reference Architecture Development

The Fragile to Agile Architecture Governance Framework ensures the currency and relevancy of an organisation’s Enterprise Architecture and therefore the design integrity of the organisation itself. It is an extensible framework that can blend with an organisation’s existing corporate and IT governance mechanisms to protect its technology investments and ensure solution delivery is consistent with its target state architecture.


Architecture Governance Establishment

I need assistance to establish the Enterprise Architecture function and make it relevant to my organisation.
We can assist with the formation of an organisation’s EA practice to ensure a structured approach is used to maintain the currency of its architecture, ongoing compliance of change initiatives and the design integrity of the organisation as a whole. Whether an organisation’s Enterprise Architecture is established or an emerging discipline, we can also assist in the formation of its architecture governance and/or uplift internal skills to derive the most value from the practice.


EA Practice Establishment, Architecture Governance Establishment

It is sometimes difficult to engage both IT and the business when discussing architecture design aspects of the organisation.
The level of rigour applied to the development of our Business Capability Models make them suitable for both business consulting and deep technical design. It provides a single tool that can seamlessly flow from business consultation to technology architecture design and maintain business engagement throughout the process. This not only provides a shared language and collaboration tool to facilitate these discussions but is fundamental to converting business strategy into execution.

With the application of heat maps and overlays which depict various organisational attributes, the Business Capability Model can be also used as an important business design artefact for many different purposes, both tactical and strategic, business and technology.


Business Capability Model, Heat Maps & Overlays

I have difficulty selling the value and benefits of Enterprise Architecture to the rest of the organisation.
To ensure strong business engagement across all aspects of architecture, the Fragile to Agile Integrated Architecture Framework is designed to be understood by both business representatives and technologists. This reinforces that Enterprise Architecture is not just about IT but must encapsulate the whole enterprise, of which IT is just one component.

The Framework was also developed to achieve a seamless architecture driven approach for business change initiatives across all levels of design. Therefore, it supports all elements of business change activity including strategic planning (translating strategy into execution); conceptual design (from project initiation to business case); logical design, and physical delivery of the change (SDLC). The Framework can, and has been, successfully used to redesign each of these elements of the business change process within organisations.

For more information

Integrated Architecture Framework

I need to expand the scope of our Enterprise Architecture function from a technology focus to also include business architecture.
Our Integrated Architecture Framework caters for both business and technical architectures across all domains of design. Strategic reference architectures provide guidance for technology investment decisions and how various domains of solution design will be achieved. They include high level reference architectures and a set of principles, or building codes, that guide design activity. Their adoption accelerates the design and delivery of IT solutions by their re-use and alignment to agreed business based outcomes. They also provide a basis for governance to ensure the consistency and applicability of technology to support ongoing business needs and priorities.


Reference Architecture Development

We can assist with the formation of an organisation’s EA practice to ensure a structured approach is used to maintain the currency of its technical and business architecture, ongoing compliance of change initiatives and the design integrity of the organisation as a whole. Whether an organisation’s Enterprise Architecture is established or an emerging discipline, we can also assist in the formation of its architecture governance and/or uplift internal skills to derive the most value from the practice.


EA Practice Establishment

I need to ensure that the consistency, integrity and relevancy of solution designs are maintained for our target state solutions.
Our Integrated Architecture Framework caters for both business and technical architectures across all domains of design. Strategic reference architectures provide guidance for technology investment decisions and how various domains of solution design will be achieved. They include high level reference architectures and a set of principles, or building codes, that guide design activity. Their adoption accelerates the design and delivery of IT solutions by their re-use and alignment to agreed business based outcomes. They also provide a basis for governance to ensure the consistency and applicability of technology to support ongoing business needs and priorities.


Reference Architecture Development

The Fragile to Agile Architecture Governance Framework ensures the currency and relevancy of an organisation’s Enterprise Architecture and therefore the design integrity of the organisation itself. It is an extensible framework that can blend with an organisation’s existing corporate and IT governance mechanisms to protect its technology investments and ensure solution delivery is consistent with its target state architecture.


Architecture Governance Framework

I need formal training to uplift my skills and knowledge of Enterprise Architecture.
Designed for both existing and aspiring Enterprise Architects or for those that want to deepen their understanding of the discipline, the Fragile to Agile Enterprise Architecture Essentials course is an interactive learning experience to generate a deeper understanding of Enterprise Architecture concepts and techniques and how to apply them in a practical way to effect successful business change.


Enterprise Architecture Essentials Training Course

Contact Us

Please contact us if you require further information about our services.