How can Fragile to Agile help me as a CEO?
CEOs are tasked with the execution of the organisation’s strategy and effectively marshalling its resources to accomplish the objectives the strategy demands. To do this requires clear communication with a shared understanding, a roadmap that the whole organisation can understand and commitment to maintain focus and measure results.

Challenges for a CEO
We cannot determine whether or not our business is organised and structured appropriately to effectively deliver our strategy.
We are not well positioned to take advantage of outsourcing opportunities.
With the application of heat maps and overlays, which depict various organisational attributes, the Business Capability Model can be used as an important business design artefact for a number of business and technical purposes. This can include the identification of capabilities which should be insourced and those that can be outsourced, either fully or partially.
When we plan for M&A activity, we have difficulty assessing the potential risks, issues and expected value from the effort.
We have difficulty reviewing and prioritising business change initiatives across the organisation.
We need to understand whether we are deriving the promised value from our technology investments.
With the application of heat maps and overlays, which depict various organisational attributes, the Business Capability Model can be used as an important business design artefact for a number of business and technical purposes. This may include the identification of gaps in functionality, duplicated solutions, IT spend in proportion to strategic business capabilities and technology obsolescence risks. The unique visual representation of these attributes can provide insight into the cost of and value derived from an organisation’s investment in IT and where to direct that spend more appropriately, if needed.
The Fragile to Agile Investment & Prioritisation Framework takes a single, enterprise view of change and provides a methodical mechanism for choosing which business change initiatives to fund and how much funding to allocate. As there is always more demand than can be fulfilled, investment decisions need to be made in a systematic and prudent way against balanced decision criteria. Therefore, this process enables consistent and transparent decision making that is aligned with the strategic vision, objectives and values of the organisation. It has been designed as an extensible framework that can be tailored to complement the existing executive decision making process of any organisation.
All staff need to understand why the organisation exists, what it must achieve and how it will realise those outcomes.
We require more certainty regarding the scope, cost, practicality and business value of transformational change.
Target State Determination, Business Transformation Program Development
Operating concepts such as business agility and digital disruption seem elusive to our organisation.
Using our proprietary and proven approach, we are skilled at determining the correct level of service granularity and identifying the trade-off with the cost of the target state and the risk associated with delivering it. We also have extensive experience in program development and governance, and can design and administer a program of work to enable large scale digital and business transformation initiatives.
Target State Determination, Business Transformation Program Development
We need to ensure that we maintain the design integrity of the organisation as a whole.
EA Practice Establishment, Architecture Governance Framework