Our colleague Penny attended two insightful webinars on learning and development and its role in digital transformations and is sharing her key takeaways …

Don’t miss these valuable insights …

  • Embrace innovative thinking: Digital transformations involve more than just technology; they require a shift in mindset and an experimental approach to problem-solving.
  • Include learning and development: Many transformations don’t consider training, but it is vital for success.
  • Showcase the value of training: Use facts and stories to prove the importance of providing training.
  • Focus on high-impact roles: Prioritise roles that will benefit the most from the transformation.
  • Envision the organisation’s future state: Determine what the company can do today from a learning and development perspective to enable a smooth transition.
  • Differentiate learning based on target audience: Get to know the needs of those impacted by the digital transformation, from entry-level roles to business leaders.
  • Establish learning metrics and measure them from the start: Revisit measurement requirements frequently to track progress and make necessary adjustments.

We hope you find these takeaways insightful and beneficial as you navigate the digital world. Our goal is to support you in harnessing these strategies to unlock your full potential and thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape!

You’ll find the webinar recordings here and here, with thanks to Actio Learning and Litmos!

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