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Solution Delivery Framework - Fragile to Agile

Solution Delivery Framework “Efficient and Effective Delivery”

In a competitive market, organisations need to constantly change and adapt in order to survive and prosper such as refining business processes, bringing new products to market, launching a new distribution channel or an acquisition of a competitor. Whether driven by market forces or legislative requirements, two characteristics of change are apparent i.e. the volume and rate of change is increasing. The elapsed time from idea conception to delivering the change is shrinking from years, to months, to weeks, to days. Therefore, an agile organisation will have a distinct advantage over one which is fragile.

The following diagram depicts the Fragile to Agile Solution Delivery Framework:

Change Delivery Framework

The Fragile to Agile Strategic Planning Framework identifies the desired business outcomes of the organisation, the design principles for implementing change, and strategic projects that will transition the organisation towards its target state architecture. The Investment & Prioritisation Framework prioritises strategic and tactical projects to create a pipeline of change related work. The Solution Delivery Framework actually implements these changes.

The Solution Delivery Framework can be tailored to complement an organisation’s existing change implementation processes and contains the following two major components:

  • Conceptual Design Process that generates the high level solution design and business case;
  • A Deliver & Implement Process that deploys the change.

As the Deliver & Implement Process is the domain of system builders and integrators, the Conceptual Design Process marks the boundary of Fragile to Agile’s role in the change process. However, Fragile to Agile can provide solution architecture and change program governance and oversight if required (refer Our Services for more detail).

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” – Charles Darwin